Over the next few weeks, the City will be carrying out essential road maintenance work in the city. Be prepared for potential partial street closures and restricted street parking.
The work includes:
- Grinding a portion of asphalt concrete roadway pavement.
- Repaving of asphalt concrete roadway pavement.
- Striping and signing of roadway follows within two weeks of paving operation.
Please note that street parking and vehicular access will be restricted during grinding and paving operations. You are required to keep your vehicle(s) off the street during these operations. Access to driveways will be limited during pavement installation and cool-down. Please park your car outside of project limits to access it on foot.
A City Inspector will be present at the job site and happy to answer your questions or provide assistance if needed. If you cannot locate the Inspector, please contact the Public Works Department at 818-790-8882 between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Thank you in advance for your cooperation while improving City’s infrastructure.

St. Katherine Dr. Street Resurfacing:

Figueroa St. Street Resurfacing