The City of La Cañada Flintridge is primarily built out. However, state Housing Element law requires the City to identify sites that could accommodate La Cañada Flintridge’s future housing needs in accordance with the 6th Cycle Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA). The Sites Inventory list includes vacant and underutilized properties in the City. The City’s strategy is to identify remaining vacant properties and underutilized sites, primarily focusing along the Foothill Boulevard corridor, with one site located on Oak Grove Drive.
Based on comments received on the first draft, the revised Sites Inventory in the second draft removed single-family homes, except in three cases with the agreement of the owners. This was based on the fact that there is no established trend of single-family homes transitioning to multi-family homes. The revised Sties Inventory takes a tiered approach along the City’s single commercial/transit corridor with area of higher density (25-30 du/ac) and areas of lower density (12-15 du/ac) where appropriate.
The parcels identified in the Second Draft Housing Element, adopted October 4, 2022, are below: